How to Stop Dogs From Eating Poop?

how to stop dog from eating poop home remedies

There are tons of stool-eating chews on the market, and many of them make bold claims.

Maybe you’ve already given a few of them a shot and weren’t happy with the results. Or perhaps you prefer to feed your pet something natural and home-made.

Either way, this article is for you!

If you want to figure out how to stop dogs from eating poop using home remedies only, check out this guide:

1. Give Your Dog a Bit of Pineapple

Some people sprinkle meat tenderizer on dog food as a remedy for coprophagia (a fancy name for poop-eating). The idea here is that the enzymes in the powder, like bromelain, can break down proteins faster and make the poo less appealing.

However, an over-the-counter meat tenderizer might also contain not-so-good ingredients. Think salt and seasonings. So, why not go to the natural enzyme source instead?

As it happens, raw pineapple contains bromelain, is safe for dogs (in small amounts), and makes poop tastes terrible. Plus, you could freeze pineapples to make a delicious summer treat for your pooch.

The puppy is sniffing pineapple
The puppy is sniffing pineapple

2. Add a Couple of Teaspoons of Pumpkin to His Meals

If pineapple doesn’t work, try feeding your pet pure pumpkin—no added sugar, salt, or fat. Keep in mind that pumpkin pie filling usually contains spices and sugar substitutes, which can be toxic to dogs.

3. Try Bitter Apple Spray

Have you ever heard of bitter apple spray? The bitterness and the scent are quite repelling, especially for dogs. So, pet parents use it to correct behavioral issues. For instance, they use it to deter puppies from jumping on furniture.

But it’s also possible to use the spray to make poop seem less appealing to your dog. And you don’t even have to head to the store for this method—you can make your own bitter apple spray at home.

All you need is one part white vinegar and two parts apple cider vinegar.

Oh, and you’ll need to keep an eye on your dog, too. You need to spray the bitter solution on the poop right away. Otherwise, your pup might learn to eat his feces quickly before you get to it.

4. Booby Trap With Lemon

Squeezing a lemon on the poop can deter your pup from sniffing and eating it. But then again, you need to get to the crime scene before your dog.

Squeeze lemon juice
Squeeze lemon juice

Image source: Google

Side Note: Some people use hot sauce instead of lemon juice. If you decide to go with this method, make sure to consult your vet first.

Bonus Tips: Use a Leash and Work on the “Drop It” Command

Whenever you take your dog outside, use a leash and watch where that curious mouth is going. You might be able to get him out of the habit by redirecting his attention elsewhere.

And if you might as well teach your dog to drop whatever he’s biting on command. Trust me, this command will come in handy for more than just overcoming coprophagia!

Teach your dog to drop
Teach your dog to drop

Image source: Google

Final Thoughts

Pumpkin, pineapple, and bitter apple sprays can alter your dog’s poop enough so it doesn’t seem like an appealing treat anymore.

That said, taste-aversion home remedies alone won’t cut it. You still need to train your dog, pick up his poo immediately, and keep your backyard clean of other animals’ feces.