How to Repair Damage After High Winds?

how to repair damage after high winds

Strong wind gusts can be rather dangerous. These elements can destroy buildings, damage roofs, blast out windows, and scatter dirt and debris all the way around. After the storm passes, these consequences remain, and most of them need prompt response to avoid more losses and not endanger safety.

If your property has suffered damage due to high winds, you must act. First thing first, it’s good to know the signs of a storm approaching, as seen here. Then, knowing what to do to prevent wind damage or manage it in the best possible way will protect your property and safety.

We give you this handy guide to help you handle situations after high winds. From evaluating the damage and implementing quick fixes to dealing with insurance, you’ll be ready for every step of the process.

Assess the Damage

Your first thought after the storm is what damage it left. But don’t neglect your safety. After strong winds and heavy rainfall, many hidden threats pop up, from damaged structures to potential fire hazards.

Once you’re sure there are no hazards, go inside but be careful. Take a look around and check the condition of walls, windows, roofs, and items in your yard. It’s of utmost importance to document every impairment you see. Shots should be clear so you can show them to your insurer when claiming the damage. Plus, write down all the problems together with their location.

Not only does this assessment enable your insurance provider to determine which repairs should take priority, but it also speeds up the claim process. Remember, the time you spend carefully evaluating your actions will pave the way for easier recovery in the future.

See What Needs to Be Done First

The next step is making priorities when it comes to repairs. You must ensure safety first by addressing hazards and working on them. Clean the area from debris, remove shattered glass, and secure loose wirings and damaged structures. In the latter case, call your utility company or emergency services to deal with these.

Next, decide on temporary solutions to fix holes and prevent further impacts on the building. For instance, covering roof leaks with tarps, boarding up broken windows, and using sealant on cracked walls to block water penetration are some of the ways to prevent leaks. Some of these repairs can go a long way as you plan lasting solutions.

If the situation looks too complicated or unsafe, don’t hesitate to call a professional contractor or visit ParadiseExteriors and get a free quote for repairs. These experts certainly know what’s best for your property and how everything should be managed to avoid mistakes and keep you and your loved ones safe.

Roof Repairs

The part of your home that most likely suffers from high winds is your roof. Its exposure makes it one of the most vulnerable areas that need to be addressed. Most roof damage is easy to see, like missing or broken shingles and water stains. Go to your attic to find signs of water leaks or cracks with daylight seeping through. Both can indicate structural damage.

For small-scale issues, the simple solution is sealing with roofing tape or tarps to prevent further damage. These will hold for a while but still leave the major repair to seasoned contractors. However, these quick fixes won’t work for severe problems like large holes or main construction flaws. In that case, leave everything to professional roofers.

It’s always best to have pros inspecting your roof after high winds. These experts can notice many issues with your home that could pose future dangers concerning the weather. Also, they know how to address these problems correctly. A stable, well-repaired roof can help to bring your house back to normal after any natural disaster.

Fixing Windows and Doors

Strong winds pose a major threat to windows and doors. When these structures are damaged or broken, your home gets exposed to the external environment, and there’s a high chance someone might get hurt due to shattered glass. To prevent these risks in the future, you can reach out to Paradise Exteriors and get more details about hurricane-proof windows.

The first step toward securing the area would be to put on gloves and pick up as much broken glass and debris. If necessary, you can use plywood panels or plastic to close windows temporarily. Make sure to tighten these boards so they don’t fly away.

As for doors, you might need to reinforce loose hinges or add waterproof sealant around the edges to prevent water penetration. See whether these openings need simple refurbishment or replacement (if frames are distorted or split). Putting these fixes first will restore the safety and comfort of your home and prevent further damage.

Clean the Outdoor Area

Usually, strong winds and storms affect open areas. When everything calms down, you can see branches everywhere, trees down, fences destroyed, and debris scattered. Not only do these ruin the beauty of your yard, but they can also be a significant hazard, especially near power or water lines.

Put gloves on and remove branches and twigs found on the ground. If necessary, use garden clippers or chainsaws to prune larger greenery that’s on your way. You can do this task on the ground and only when there’s no risk to your safety. If you have to deal with broken branches at height, it’s best to hire a professional tree removal service.

Take a look at structures like fences, decks, and sheds to spot signs of damage. Reinforce panels and fence sections that got loose. Remove sharp edges and nails that pop out or can be hidden in debris. Finally, if these structures are severely damaged, you have to replace them. It can be an interesting DIY project or a job for professionals.

When the storm ends and leaves chaos, you have to stay calm and focused. The priority is to protect your health and safety and then to restore your place. By following these steps, you’ll create a clear, efficient, and cost-effective plan to deal with the recovery process after high winds.