Playing poker is something people have done for generations, due to how easy it is to pick up and learn, even now you have new players taking their first steps into playing poker.
Whether you’re playing with your friends or playing online poker, you’re able to play your own way and your own style. If you’re playing just for fun or in a competition, this may alter how you approach the game, changing your style to fit the game and giving you the best chance to win.
Because of how poker is played, there are a number of different ways you can play, from aggressive to conservative, you’re able to adapt your game toward both your opponents and also the current state of the table.
But just what options do you have for your playing style and when should you use them? Well in this article we’ll be taking a look at just that as we analyse the best poker strategies and determine which one is best for you.
One of the most popular strategies for playing poker is to go all in aggressively. This means virtually no matter the hand you have, you don’t fold. The reason for this is that by sticking every hand, the other players won’t be able to tell if you’ve got a good hand or not, meaning they can’t read your body language and as such call your bluff.
This strategy is often employed by online poker players, you’ll find they often have a bit more courage than when they’re playing face-to-face in a casino.
Also, the more times you stick, the more chances you have at winning. Obviously, if you have the worst hand possible, there’s no reason to stick, however, the idea is that for every viable opportunity you have to stick, you do.
It’s to play as aggressively as possible and ensure you’re throwing off your opponents and making them lose track if you have a good or bad hand, giving you the advantage.
Taking Your Time
On the flip side to playing aggressively, you’re able to take your time and play a lot more conservatively, ensuring you only stick if you have a great chance of winning.
When playing like this, the other players will catch on that you’re only sticking when you have a good hand, so it’s probably a good idea to throw some bluffs in there too to throw them off to ensure they don’t get wise to your play style.
You can also pair this up with playing aggressively, switching between the two will really throw the other players off and ensure they don’t know if you’re coming or going and if you have a good hand or if you’re completely bluffing, allowing you to take control of the game and take home the win.
Match the Other Players
It’s a good idea to quickly work out the table and see how the other players are playing. One strategy is to mirror match them, so if one is playing aggressively, you also do this and if they’re playing more passively, again you copy them.
By doing this, you’re ultimately giving yourself the same odds as them, meaning you’re creating the same chance to win as the other player and having less risk of losing.
Doing this can also throw them off their game as if they realize you’re copying them, it can put them off and cause them to overthink their hand and cause them to make mistakes, that’s when you switch up your style and take full advantage of it.
Always Play Late
One of the most popular strategies is to play late. This means when everyone on the table is either sticking or folding, you’re always one of the last to go in. By doing this, you’re ensuring you have as much information as possible to give you the best chance to win and you can manage your budget closely.
If you go first, you’re putting yourself at a disadvantage as you don’t know who else will stick or fold, you’re also not giving yourself a chance to view the other players’ body language and if they look like they’re bluffing or not.
Take a backseat, wait until the last minute to make your decision, and watch all the other players give their answer first, that way you can make an informed decision based on the other players to give you the best chance.
Playing poker is an entertaining activity, and that’s why there are still millions of people all over the world still playing it to this day. Due to how the game is designed, you’re able to play a number of different ways to suit your preferred style.
If you want to play more aggressively, you absolutely can, however, if you prefer to ease yourself into the game and take your time, again that’s also an option. It allows players to express themselves in the game, matching their personalities to their playing styles.